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Introducing the new MLX trolley

Introducing the new MLX trolley

The  MLX  Trolley  is  a  specially  designed  battery transfer trolley that can extract batteries from a wide  variety  of  trucks  with  different  roll  off heights.
The  MLX  Trolley  is  fitted  to  a  standard  pump truck  and  because  of  this  can  offer  a  take-off range of 125mm.

What is the real cost of the MLX Trolley?
Compared to using standard exchange, the MLX trolley can save around 2 minutes per battery exchange as the operator doesn’t have to connect the truck up to a new battery and drive it along to its location.
The MLX trolley also offers a double exchange bed which means it can house the empty and fully charged battery simultaneously.  As a result one less static roller bed per truck type is required.  Having less static beds brings further benefits and savings:
1.  Reduction in space required
2.  Reduction in chargers
3.  Reduction in electrical connections (Busbar / Isolators)
4.  No extension cables
Take these reductions into account and you can see the MLX trolley is worth the investment.


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